Are there any good examples/code/tutorials that sh...
# multiplatform
Are there any good examples/code/tutorials that show how to make a javascript (preferably typescript) library in kotlin and use it on a pure javascript environment? I've played around with kotlin/js a bit before but not really sure how the typescript part works or how to use the code elsewhere in a seamless way. Also not sure how much this has changed in the last few years, for example some of the google search results for this are a few years old so maybe there are different/better ways of doing things.
This works in monorepo setups and does not require publishing. However if you do need to publish, it's just a single extra config away.
My coworker Jigar has done some blog posts about kotlin/js that could be helpful
@Kevin S I actually found that same article on my own and sort of answered my own question with it since it had some of the little details I was looking for.