KotlinJS 1.8.0 seems flaky. I have a large projec...
# react
KotlinJS 1.8.0 seems flaky. I have a large project (with more than 90 Multiplatform gradle submodules), I distribute them in a single JS targeted umbrella module I call
In previous kotlin versions, just adding
worked. When I run
for the first time (after a clean build), it fails with
Copy code
> Task :kasi-sdk-react:compileDevelopmentLibraryKotlinJs FAILED
e: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unexpected ir type argument
When I run the same task again, it passes. The flakiness seems to be the same failing task The most problematic part is when it comes to publishing, I am using #npm-publish and this plugin goes through the task
(Notice the difference between
). The later, never succeeds at all. It fails with a similar error as above despite all other tasks (including
) succeeding This whole process worked in kotlin 1.7.20. I am using gradle 7.5.1 Any hint on how I can publish my sdk???
Welp, time to start searching for those start projections now
Is this bug affecting Lists only?? or every StarProjection in any generic type?
FYI if you want to bypass npm-publish integration with kgp you can just register a custom package and add required files via its configuration. You will also need to configure package.json fields yourself. That way you have full control over task graph abd configuration.
@Luc Girardin That was it. It took me a while to change all my star projects into Any?, and their respective bounds and I finally did it (Thanks to
). You are life server. For anyone else reading this, Migrating to Kotlin 1.8.0 was a severe pain for me, Starting from my gradle plugins, to my libraries.