For multi-module, Is there a configuration to open...
# dokka
For multi-module, Is there a configuration to open a specific child module html by default(instead of the page that shows
All modules:
The HTML output is a regular website, it's not an app. You can just copy the URL of the module you want and give that to your users
Yeah, but the problem with that is, when someone clicks on the navbar title, it takes them back to the
All modules
page, and I'd like to modify that behavior as well so that clicking on it opens that default module only.
Why do you want people not to go to the root module? If you only want to document a single module, you can just generate the documentation only for that one.
it's mostly because of the title of that page which says
All modules:
So, I was looking to either • modify the title
All modules:
to say something like
My Lib:
or • point to the main module of the lib.
the other option that I can use is to modify the css to something like this:
Copy code
.cover h2 {
visibility: hidden;
.cover h2::after {
content:'My Lib:';
visibility: visible;
but not sure if that's a good workaround
There's actually another issue, which is the ordering of the submodules in that main page. I'd also like to move a specific module at the very top and then have other modules below it.
Could be worth a YouTrack ticket
👍 1