Hi. I want to trigger a file select dialog from co...
# compose-web
Hi. I want to trigger a file select dialog from compose multiplatform. How can it be done? So I have a small code like this
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fun main() {
    onWasmReady {
        Window {
            var selectedDestination by remember { mutableStateOf(Destinations.HISTORY) }
            val destinations = Destinations.values()
            Row {
                NavigationRail {

                    FloatingActionButton(onClick = {
                        // TODO show file dialog here
                    }, shape = RoundedCornerShape(10.dp)) {
                        Icon(Icons.Filled.Add, contentDescription = "Add")


                    destinations.forEach { item ->
                            icon = { Icon(item.icon, contentDescription = item.title) },
                            label = { Text(item.title) },
                            selected = selectedDestination == item,
                            onClick = { selectedDestination = item }
                when (selectedDestination) {
                    Destinations.HISTORY -> HistoryPage()
                    Destinations.STATS -> StatsPage()
                    Destinations.DOWNLOADS -> DownloadsPage()
                    Destinations.SETTINGS -> SettingsPage()
and when user clicks the
he should be able to select a file. I tried to do it like here https://stackoverflow.com/a/8385882/4885394 but im not able to translate Javascript to Kotlin. How can I create an Input element and then add a click listener? tried like
but then it has different type and I dont know to what I should cast it. Before I had this
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Input(InputType.File) {
                onChange {
                    val file = it.target.files?.asList()?.first()

                    if (file != null) {
                        scope.launch {
                            output = try {
                                YoutubeHistory(file.text(), minVideoClicks).toString()
                            } catch (e: Exception) {
                                e.message ?: "Unknown Error"
and it worked. Thats what I want to achieve but in actual multiplatform compose. Or what do you guys call it? the version that uses skia on web with canvas
You mention compose multiplatform here, but if you're asking just about Compose for Web, I wrote these utility methods in my own code:
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fun Document.downloadFileToDisk(
    filename: String,
    type: String,
    content: String,
) {
    val snapshotBlob = Blob(arrayOf(content), BlobPropertyBag(type))
    val url = DomURL.createObjectURL(snapshotBlob)
    val tempAnchor = (createElement("a") as HTMLAnchorElement).apply {
        style.display = "none"
        href = url
        download = filename

fun Document.loadFileFromDisk(
    accept: String,
    onLoaded: (String) -> Unit,
) {
   val tempInput = (createElement("input") as HTMLInputElement).apply {
        type = "file"
        style.display = "none"
        this.accept = accept
        multiple = false

    tempInput.onchange = { changeEvt ->
        val file = changeEvt.target.asDynamic().files[0] as File

        val reader = FileReader()
        reader.onload = { loadEvt ->
            val content = loadEvt.target.asDynamic().result as String
        reader.readAsText(file, "UTF-8")

which you'd call like so:
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document.loadFileFromDisk(".sav") { saveFileContent -> ... }
(I extended
here because I try to avoid creating globally scoped methods when possible, but
itself is a global so technically my save/load methods can be global too). (Also, you didn't ask about downloading, but I included it in case it's helpful for anyone else who stumbles upon this later)
If you need this to work in other domains, e.g. Compose Desktop, you'd have to find out a way to extract some sort of common API, maybe create something like an expect
class with a
method in it, and then different constructors per platform to pass in anything you need to launch the dialog.
Thank a lot. Even though I called it from a multiplatform widget, it worked perfectly, without any editing
nice nice