Hello, quick question, I’m creating a library usin...
# kotlin-native
Hello, quick question, I’m creating a library using kotlin 1.7.21, Ktor 2.2.2 and some other dependencies. I need to create a fat framework and export dependencies to be used on ios, I’m using transitive export and embedding the bitcode and get these warnings:
Copy code
w: Interop library /Users/user/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/io.ktor/ktor-utils-iosarm64/2.2.2/f59a995d3f453c22d7fcfb1106a531277cf20b7e/ktor-utils-cinterop-threadUtils can't be exported with -Xexport-library
w: Interop library /Users/user/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlinx/atomicfu-iosarm64/0.18.5/8fe7737c1da3850eb99980cba0598ea2e8886be9/atomicfu-cinterop-interop can't be exported with -Xexport-library
I wasn’t getting these warnings on previous versions of kotlin or the dependencies, is there anything I could do to fix this?