Hi, I have unresolved reference errors in the code...
# android
Hi, I have unresolved reference errors in the code snippet below, specifically on the properties underlined in red, basically I am trying to grant permissions to the user, so I have declared the permission variables and specified the what the code should do when the request for permission dialogue appears on the phone...any help in resolving the errors would be highly appreciated.
😶 2
• First make sure you've declared the respective permissions on your Manifest. • You've declared 'REQUEST_CODE' as a param which I assume should be a variable you've declared on the class level (permissions = 101). • I can see you're trying to call array of permissions and from what I see, your logic is not correct. Please check: https://developer.android.com/training/permissions/requesting
Hi @Jones Mbindyo can we have a quick G-meet session with you to aid in the debugging