Hi everyone, first of all thanks for the great eff...
# decompose
Hi everyone, first of all thanks for the great effort and time invested in the Decompose library as I’m already enjoying the benefits it provides. Second, I’m currently using it in a Compose-Desktop application, and I’m in a situation where I need to launch a few coroutines but I’m a little bit confused as to how the
`CoroutineContext`s are defined. On the documentation page (https://arkivanov.github.io/Decompose/component/scopes/#creating-a-coroutinescope-in-a-component) I found following sample:
Copy code
fun CoroutineScope(context: CoroutineContext, lifecycle: Lifecycle): CoroutineScope {
    val scope = CoroutineScope(context)
    return scope

fun LifecycleOwner.coroutineScope(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineScope =
    CoroutineScope(context, lifecycle)

class SomeComponent(
    componentContext: ComponentContext,
    mainContext: CoroutineContext,
    private val ioContext: CoroutineContext,
) : ComponentContext by componentContext {

    // The scope is automatically cancelled when the component is destroyed
    private val scope = coroutineScope(mainContext + SupervisorJob())

    fun foo() {
        scope.launch {
            val result =
                withContext(ioContext) {
                    "Result" // Result from background thread

            println(result) // Handle the result on main thread
In the
constructor you are passing
. Do these need to be defined in the
or just the parent component? And aside from that, how exactly are they instantiated? Thanks again
There are multiple options. You can pass
(or any other dispatcher) directly when calling the function. Or you can also pass dispatchers via component constructors. You can also do the following -
SomeComponent(ioContext: CoroutineContext = <http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>)
. You can substitude a dispatcher with
in unit tests.
Another trick you can do is make your own custom component context and provide the dispatchers through that. I did that once in this kmm app which helped reduce some boiler plate of always passing dispatchers in through the constructor directly. Then you can create a test component context that provides the test dispatchers.