Does anyone know of a good OpenAPI documentation g...
# ktor
Does anyone know of a good OpenAPI documentation generator for Ktor? I see this small amount of documentation, but it's not super clear on how it works even with the attached
. I'm open to suggestions for how to do this; trying to explore the options that are out there
You can try Ktor plugin for IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.
@Mark Vogel I have updated this repo recently with OpenAPI doc generator.
I'm using Tegral Ktor plugins. It's the only thing I found that worked.
⬆️ This is very close to what I expect Ktor to support natively in the future @Aleksei Tirman [JB]
Here's an actual Ktor Resource I have defined in a production backend
Copy code
data class FileResource(val parent: FilesResource = FilesResource(), val id: FileId) {

    // Swagger data
    object Get : ResourceDescription by describeResource({

        operationId = "getFile"

        summary = "Gets an existing file's download URL"

        tags += "File"

        "id" pathParameter {
            description = "The id of the file to get"
            example = "file-id.pdf"
            required = true

        200 response {
            json { schema(DownloadResponse("http://…/file-id.pdf")) }


    // Swagger data
    object Delete : ResourceDescription by describeResource({

        operationId = "deleteFile"

        summary = "Deletes an existing file"

        tags += "File"

        "id" pathParameter {
            description = "The id of the file to delete"
            example = "file-id.pdf"
            required = true

        200 response {
            description = "File deleted"


    data class DownloadResponse(val url: String)

This is great! Thank you for all the replies I will definitely be trying these out