Hi folks, We have a large kmm app with ktor, but w...
# multiplatform
Hi folks, We have a large kmm app with ktor, but we should implement MTLS protocol, I can't find any info related to ktor client multiplatform, I've found this: https://ktor.io/docs/client-ssl.html, but... nothing related to iOS found, any help?
I think I can handle it with...
Can you let me know how you do mTLS with a CIO client on both iOS and Android? I have a usecase for that as well. At the moment our KMM project (library) delegates networking (and so also mTLS) via an interface to the host apps using the library, and we implemented networking including mTLS using URLSessions on iOS and using OkHttp on Android.
I've found how to achieve it on Android with ktor and kmm, but now it's time for iOS... I'll ping you
Thanks! I hope you get it working 🙂
For sure, because else... I'll get fired 😛 hahahah
Fire or glory, you know haha
No guts no glory yeah 😄 Good luck on keeping your job
Got it!!!! weeeeeeeeeee 🙂
got some documentation of what you had used for it? Im very curious about it 😄