Hi, I found this question on stackoverflow about e...
# getting-started
Hi, I found this question on stackoverflow about extending a data class from a sealed class: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44419997/extending-data-class-from-a-sealed-class-in-kotlin The answer mentions something that I'm not quite sure about - that in case of using `open val`/`override val` an extending class will hold the same field twice. Is this true? Does that mean that in case of a declaration like this:
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sealed class SomeSealed(open val text: String)

data class SomeImplementation(override val text: String) : SomeSealed(text)
the field
is not actually overridden, but just hidden by the new declaration?
Yes, that’s just the nature of how overrides work. The implementations of
properties and functions still exist even after they’ve been overridden. For example, a subclass can call its superclass’s functions and property accessors using the
keyword: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/inheritance.html#calling-the-superclass-implementation
if you
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sealed class SomeSealed {
    abstract val text: String
data class SomeImplementation(override val text: String) : SomeSealed()
then there is only one implementation of
I wanted to avoid this, because I wanted to use another property that is initialized based on `text`'s value that will be used in all subclasses, for example like this
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sealed class SomeSealed(open val text: String) {
    protected val initialized = text.drop(1)

data class SomeImplementation(override val text: String) : SomeSealed(text) {
    val derivedText = initialized.drop(1)
But I still needed
to be a data class and I wanted to keep only one text field. Doing something like that with the
abstract val
approach unfortunately wouldn't initialize everything in the right order. Eventually I changed to the
abstract val
variant and duplicated the initialized field in subclasses, as it was the easiest solution.
why do you use
override val
in the first place? I'd just drop that and let
be a parameter there.
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sealed class SomeSealed(val text: String) {
    protected val initialized = text.drop(1)

data class SomeImplementation(text: String) : SomeSealed(text) {
    val derivedText = initialized.drop(1)
@Stephan Schröder Primary constructor of a data class can only have property parameters. You can't do something like this
@Eryk Lepszy good point, but you can drop the
. Alternatively you could improve on @ephemient’s suggestion by using getters or lazy properties:
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sealed class SomeSealed {
    abstract val text: String
    protected val initialized: String
        get() = this.text.drop(1)
data class SomeImplementation(override val text: String) : SomeSealed() {
    val derivedText: String
       get() = initialized.drop(1)
or if you don't want to compute the value every single time
by lazy
should work
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sealed class SomeSealed {
    abstract val text: String
    protected val initialized: String by lazy {
data class SomeImplementation(override val text: String) : SomeSealed() {
    val derivedText: String by lazy {
But actually first you should make sure that ephemient's solution doesn't work. Now that I think of it, it actually might, even with your additions. Since SomeSealed is abstract, the text-field will (should 🤔) exists when the initialization is executed
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sealed class SomeSealed {
    abstract val text: String
    protected val initialized: String = this.text.drop(1)
data class SomeImplementation(override val text: String) : SomeSealed() {
    val derivedText: String = this.initialized.drop(1)
@Stephan Schröder I mentioned earlier that I needed it to be a data class, so I don't want to drop the
In case of your last example that won't work, because the base class initialization is done first: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/inheritance.html#derived-class-initialization-order I really like the
example though, I didn't think of using it there. I'm not completely sure if it will fit my exact use-case, but that looks like a better solution for what I was looking for. Thank you!
@Eryk Lepszy You're right. I thought dynamic dispatch would come to the rescue but I checked it on Kotlin Playground and it doesn't 😅
it is 🤷‍♂️