I feel like I'm getting some conflicting info with...
# dagger
I feel like I'm getting some conflicting info with hilt and assisted injection. I currently have this
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class GetTeamsUseCase @Inject constructor(
  val apiService: ApiService, <---- provided by a @Provides method
  val accessToken: String <---- I'd like to "inject" this at runtime since I get it once I login
) {
Is this possible to do or do I need some other lirbary?
It’s possible to do with Assisted Injection Dagger’s https://dagger.dev/dev-guide/assisted-injection.html
Instead of
you need to use
, specify the
params and create a factory for it. However, you need to manually construct that type by injecting the factory and creating an instance of it in the class where you have access to
Cool! First time trying assistedInject out so lets see what happens
I created
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interface GetTeamsUseCaseFactory {
  fun create(accessToken: String): GetTeamsUseCase
Should I put this inside of my GetTeamsUseCase class or outside of it?
Is this basically how I should do it?
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@Inject lateinit var teamsUseCaseFactory: GetTeamsUseCaseFactory
lateinit var teamsUseCase: GetTeamsUseCase

fun setupService(): GetTeamsUseCase {
  val service = teamsUseCaseFactory.create(//my access token)
  return service

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
  teamsUseCase = setupService()
Should I put this inside of my GetTeamsUseCase class or outside of it?
It’s fine to leave it in or at least in the same file
Is this basically how I should do it?
Yup, that looks good to me
Interesting. pretty basic then. nothing too crazy.
awesome. now i have tests working.
❤️ thanks @Manuel Vivo