Can you recommend an API / approach to have a widg...
# compose
Can you recommend an API / approach to have a widget expand outside of its boundaries? I'll try to clarify my question with an example: picture a Button that when clicked is expanded into N other buttons that radiate out of it. Ideally the widget just take the space for the original button and doesn't change in size for what concern the outside container. I know that I can use
but I was wondering if there was a way to define the expanded state as a regular composable instead of having each satellite-button on top of each other and offsetting them outwards with
. I'm not trying to realize this widget, I'm just looking into learning if there is some way of achieving this "escape boundaries" behavior and if yes how. Thank you
Modifier.wrapContentSize(unbounded = true)
unbounded let me go past the
provided from outside but it still change the size of the widget from outside
Of course you need some kind of placeholder to take the space the original content took, otherwise how would the layout knows what the size was?
I want the widget to be if size 48x48dp but draw in a 128x128dp area (example numbers)
Then you can just use
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    .wrapContentSize(unbounded = true)
say expanded state is 4x the actual widget size. from outside the widget doesn't change in size when it expand -kind-of-thing
oh right, I didn't think of that, in a box I can use
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      .wrapContentSize(unbounded = true)