hey folks. is anyone aware of a way to register a ...
# gradle
hey folks. is anyone aware of a way to register a Gradle task such that it runs in continuous mode i.e. as if
had been passed?
If you want
behavior, why don't you use
? Or what behavior do you actually want?
Just to generally save the trouble of passing the flag e.g. when clicking from the Gradle task pane in IntelliJ. Also, the task is intended to only be used continuously
The programmatic way would be to set
, but you cannot do that early enough. Even if I set it in an init script, it has no effect.
Thanks Bjorn. I'll have a play around. At the least I might be able to detect whether the flag is set and then prompt the user to pass the flag.
It's Björn or Bjoern, not Bjorn. ;-) Yes, querying and complaining should work fine if that's enough for your use-case. I just wonder what use-case it is, that should require that flag. Mind elaboration? I'm curious.
I actually have a use case too - a gradle plugin registers a task to format code, one per module. It's good if such format task fails if some code could not be formatted. At the same time if I run it for all modules at once, I'd like it to format all of them and not stop when it fails on one of them
My use case is a continuous file generation task in a Gradle plugin for a tool I am working on. I'd prefer a dedicated continuous generation task rather than just running the generate task with
because the semantics will be different than running generate on its own
I don't understand why the semantics should be different, but yeah, just check the flag and fail, it alternatively behave differently if the flag is set