What's the best practice for using Koin when creat...
# koin
What's the best practice for using Koin when creating libraries? I'm just starting to explore Koin and noticed that I need to initialize everything with
but libraries don't typically have a main entry point so I'm wondering how to approach DI when creating libraries
Export your lib as a koin module that your consumers can simply add to their koin config
Thanks. I prefer to avoid requiring library users to use a DI framework so I wonder if maybe I'm going in the wrong direction if that's the case. One use-case that I'm trying to tackle is to allow users of the library to create an instance of a class by calling the constructor and the class would use property injection to get a random number generator. All the test classes would have that dependency bound to a fake random number generator so that I could specify the sequence of random numbers and validate that the random numbers are used correctly by the class.
If you don't expect your consumers to use di then you should not use it in the lib. It's just not a common practice for libraries
I see. Thanks
@Big Chungus you need to go with isolated context: https://insert-koin.io/docs/reference/koin-core/context-isolation
this way you have your own Koin context, whatever people have on their own
@arnaud.giuliani Thanks! A couple questions about that approach: 1. The CustomKoinComponent is an abstract class which prevents using DI in subclasses. Is there a reason why that can't be an interface instead? 2. The library has many entry points so I'm not sure where would be a good place to initialize the koin app. Can I initialize it directly in MyKoinContext singleton (and re-assign that variable from tests)?
The CustomKoinComponent is an abstract class which prevents using DI in subclasses. Is there a reason why that can’t be an interface instead?
You are already depend on
interface. Here you provide your framework implementation with an abstract class. You need to keep a
instance under the hand
Can I initialize it directly in MyKoinContext singleton (and re-assign that variable from tests)?
Yes, up to you to keep this Koin instance where you need and can get access easily. With that you can configure it for tests 👍