Does anyone know of any good benchmarks for Kotlin...
# kotlin-native
Does anyone know of any good benchmarks for Kotlin/native that are recent? I'm curious, because every time I look, I always run across the programming-language-benchmarks where the kotlin/native tests (that use the same code as the JVM) time out. Theoretically we should be able to maintain numbers similar to swift / go, but to-date I haven't seen anything close. The new memory model has had some time to mature, so I'm curious where we are now.
Interesting, the benchmark was performed on a x86_64 arch, would be nice to see it on arm64 arch.
It’s odd that it’s marked as timed out, when the logs show otherwise:
[Timer] Job (test)kotlin_linux_kotlin_native_provided_default_binarytrees_1 finished in 00:00:00.0129808
Not quite sure I believe it completed in 12ms, given that K/JVM took 637ms average. I wonder if it didn’t actually run for some reason or another.
@Landry Norris I've wondered whether or not this test properly accounts for letting the JVM warm up.
If they don't let it warm up, then I could see this being true.
I doubt it from what I can see. It looks like it uses the gradle run tasks. I don’t see why go would be affected, though.
The fact that JVM ranks so low in the hello world test seems to confirm that. I also feel like that’s something wrong with K/N. Maybe the fact that some tests use coroutines + runBlocking, maybe the ‘timeout’ notation also includes crashes…