Does anyone know if it’s possible to use Selenium/...
# compose-web
Does anyone know if it’s possible to use Selenium/Js to have selenium tests in
only and avoid having Selenium java tests in the
👌 1
Do you have by any chance an example on how to set it up? 😄 @Big Chungus
You set it up the same as you would in npm project - add dependencies, write tests and possibly configure webpack. I've never used selenium js myself, but the point is that jsTest and jvmTest have no overlap whatsoever si whatever you do in jsTest has no effect on jvmTest
I’ll give it a try. Thanks!
Wasn’t able to 😞 I keep getting either
Error: Cannot find module 'fs'
Error: Cannot find module 'http'
When I try to import the module
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external val chromeDriver: dynamic

external val selenium: dynamic
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class Test {

    fun test() {
        chromeDriver //For this I require 'fs' module
        selenium //For this I require 'http' module

Gradle side:
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val jsTest by getting {
            dependencies {

                val seleniumVersion = "4.8.0"
                implementation(npm("selenium-webdriver", seleniumVersion))
I’m not a web developer so not sure why webpack complains those modules are not found
Ah, looks like you're trying to use a package built to run on node with browser() js flavour.
To get fs and friends working you need nodejs()