Hi guys! I'm looking for a way to make a view like...
# compose
Hi guys! I'm looking for a way to make a view like this but without the displacement of the one row that has a larger number % than the other. I'm not looking to hardcode the width and I would love another way of dealing with this in favor of remembering the largest width. Right now this is a column with a row inside containing 3 texts and one icon (arrow) Any help is appreciated
I used something like this:
Copy code
fun calculateTextWidth(
    text: String,
    style: TextStyle,
    maxIntrinsicSize: Boolean = true
): Dp {
    val density = LocalDensity.current
    val fontResolver = LocalFontFamilyResolver.current

    return remember(text, style, maxIntrinsicSize, density, fontResolver) {
            text = text,
            style = style,
            fontFamilyResolver = fontResolver,
            density = density
        ).let { px ->
            with(density) {
                if (maxIntrinsicSize) px.maxIntrinsicWidth.toDp()
                else px.minIntrinsicWidth.toDp()
It was almost a year ago so I am not sure if this is still valid but the point is that you can get width of some (one line) text without the need of actually drawing it to screen.
Thanks Filip, that might be a way to go 🤔 . Currently looking at SubComposeLayout