Hi everybody! I have a problem with with using Kot...
# serialization
Hi everybody! I have a problem with with using Kotlin serialization for PersistentList Since it doesn't support serialization I need to implement (or generate) it by myself I went through docs but seems like it's not trivial case because it's both polymorphic (in my case in runtime I have
which is
BTW) and generic (
forList items) So what I have now:
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class PersistentListSerializer<T>(elementSerializer: KSerializer<T>) : KSerializer<PersistentList<T>> {

    private val listSerializer = ListSerializer(elementSerializer)

    override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = listSerializer.descriptor

    override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: PersistentList<T>) {
        listSerializer.serialize(encoder, value)

    override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): PersistentList<T> =
I'll have a lot of usages among the UI entities in my app (I use PersistentList for Compose), so wanted to define serializer in the single place where I save the state:
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private val json = Json {
        serializersModule = SerializersModule {
            polymorphic(PersistentList::class) {
                subclass(SmallPersistentVector::class) // can't access since it's internal

            contextual(PersistentList::class) { PersistentListSerializer(it.first()) } // doesn't work because in runtime it receives SmallPersistentVector, not PersistentList
🧵 1
✔️ 1
Rather than using a contextual, I found your serializer works fine either brought into the model as
@Serializable(with = PersistentListSerializer::class)
on the property, or using
typealias SerializablePersistentList<T> = @Serializable(with = PersistentListSerializer::class) PersistentList<T>
as an example
The typealias is probably the better option, unless you’re happy with remembering to specify the
in file that defines a
class that uses
@phldavies Thank you! Yeah, the solution with typealias is good for me, now it works
Also, to make things work correctly in all cases you may want to use a serialdescriptor with a new name (IIRC just call
with the new name and base descriptor).