I published this Gradle plugin for anyone interest...
# feed
I published this Gradle plugin for anyone interested in easier Maven Central publication with sources/javadoc jar, especially in multi-project builds: https://github.com/joffrey-bion/gradle-kotlin-publish-plugin It reacts to other plugins (Kotlin JVM, Kotlin MPP, Kotlin JS, Dokka, Github Info) and allows for a very slim extra configuration in each project.
👍 1
How does it compare to https://github.com/gradle-nexus/publish-plugin, what value does it add?
They is no overlap in functionality, I'm personally using both plugins together. Basically mine is a way to define the publications themselves (with javadoc and sources jar), as well as their pom files, while the nexus publish plugin helps with the actual upload
The need for this plugin arose for me when working on big multi-module projects with a mix of JVM, JS, and MPP projects. I wanted to share the publication code to avoid duplication, and I wanted to configure as much as possible automatically.
Thanks. 🙂