Did anyone else notice context receivers got dropp...
# arrow
Did anyone else notice context receivers got dropped from the Kotlin Roadmap? I wonder what to think of it. Doesn’t seem like they just gave up on the feature as there’s still significant YouTrack activity on it (I know this is not arrow related, but since Arrow 2.0 seems to be relying on context receivers I’m commenting it in here)
👀 1
In December they mentioned that context receivers come after K2 is complete. I believe that roadmap page was not up-to-date. https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-10468/Context-receivers-multiple-receivers-on-extension-functions-properties
Huh, that's strange yesterday they were among "language development" 😅 Indeed it comes after K2, but it was never going to be included during 1.8.x. I think they reduced the roadmap in length, so that you can only find issues and features on there that you can expect in the short time.