Hi everyone, I am a student trying to learn kotlin...
# android
Hi everyone, I am a student trying to learn kotlin compose mvi pattern. Currently, I am encountering some confusion regarding the differentiation between Intents and States within the MVI framework. To provide a specific example, in regards to a simple login screen, I understand that the Intent would be triggered by the user clicking a Login button. However, I am considering the most appropriate information to include in the State. Initially, I thought to hold the username and password, but I am now questioning whether it would also make sense to include information such as whether the login button has been clicked, such as through a boolean value like
. Thank you for your guidance. I am struggling a bit with using MVI architecture so any resources is appreciated.
😶 1
you are a beginner and its a global group....first hunt some whatsapp and telegram groups....just post here when u are starving to get it fixed
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I am a beginner. I thought I would be able to get some basic help from some experts here or atleast redirection to resources I could learn from. I’ve done my due diligence in trying to understand the concept by reading webpages and watching videos but I have been kind of stuck. In regards to the not kotlin emote, I am asking directly about using MVI with kotlin in my android project.
Hi! This Slack is specifically for Kotlin questions, it will be hard to get an answer for these kinds of questions 😕 If you click on the chat description at the top of the screen, you will see links to other communities which are centered around Android and will probably have the answer you're searching for
MVI is a tough one to get help on here. I recommend checking out this blog post: https://proandroiddev.com/mvi-architecture-with-kotlin-flows-and-channels-d36820b2028d After that, just keep in mind that State is referring to the screen state. As in, data that a view controller would put on the screen.