Hey folks! Long time, no multiplatform Meetup! I w...
# multiplatform
Hey folks! Long time, no multiplatform Meetup! I would like to invite you to the next online Meetup next Monday, 06.02.2023 🧵 Feel free to propose topics you would like us to talk about! 🧵 Feel free to propose a virtual talk, if you have something you would like to present! Other than that, just join and ask questions ☺️ This time I would like to present a few things we have been working on for the upcoming 1.8.20 (and even 1.9 releases) Scheduled Topics: ▶️ KotlinTargetHierarchy DSL: No more manual .dependsOn mess! | (1.8.20 preview) ▶️ Kotlin Multiplatform: New Gradle Sync and Gradle Composite build support (1.8.20 preview) ▶️ Kotlin Multiplatform: Gradle Configuration Cache Support DEMO (1.9 preview) virtual meeting Multiplatform Community Meeting 📆 Monday, February 6 · 6:00 – 7:00pm CEST Multiplatform Community Meetup; 1.8.20 and beyond Monday, February 6 · 6:00 – 7:00pm Google Meet joining info Video call link: https://meet.google.com/mic-eaua-xfr Or dial: ‪(DE) +49 40 8081615818‬ PIN: ‪852 719 855‬# More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/mic-eaua-xfr?pin=5088845372030
🙌🏾 1
plus1 19
❤️ 11
🙌 9
Is there a youtrack on the KotlinTargetHierarchy DSL? It would be cool to see what this will look like.
Possibly this ?
There is a YouTrack ticket which was heavily used in the design phase of the DSL. However, it was not kept up-to-date with recent changes. For the first demo, you might want to wait for the meetup on Monday!
There is also an outdated design document, that I once posted in this channel, somewhere. However, at this point, it might be best to let me just demo it and wait for official documentation on the 1.8.20 release!
@Sebastian Sellmair [JB] please drop Monday, February 2 from post - a little confusing, as tomorrow is Thursday 🙂
I'd like to hear more about ios xcframeworks/fatframework building and publishing. Either with cocoapods and/or swift package manager. Perhaps, another subject, publishing klibs
@Oleg Yukhnevich Sorry, end of working day. This was a copy/paste mistake. Meetup is scheduled for Feb 06!!!
@Sebastian Sellmair [JB] Just in case (may be for future meetups), is it possible to provide some link/file to automatically add meetup to calendar (with Google Meet info) ?
@a-dd @Konstantin Tskhovrebov; Maybe something you would like to present from a ‘XCode integration’ point of view?
Topic to hear: Gradle Project Isolation support (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-54105/Support-Gradle-project-isolation-feature) stability after Configuration Cache support stability?
Yes please 😄
Topic to hear: Gradle Project Isolation support
I can talk about it; Just remind me during the meetup to share details on that front 👍
Just to confirm, is this 600 700pm UTC+1 or UTC+2? CET is UTC+1. CEST is UTC+2, but is daylight savings time in the summer, right?
@Jeff Lockhart I guess this is just a copy/paste error and should be CET instead of CEST. AFAIR the last meeting was still in summer 😉.
Maybe something you would like to present from a ‘XCode integration’ point of view?
I can show new Xcode errors/warnings propagation and some CocoaPods plugin features from 1.8.20 & 1.9
Can you create a calendar event for this, please @Sebastian Sellmair [JB]? The one higher up is not working for me.
Is this event going to start now?
I’m waiting for joining too
Probably it was CET (not CEST), just someone else raised the same above
🤦‍♂️ I hate timezones so much!
And why can’t I just share a google calendar event 😫 Sorry folks sorry
I will get into the call now, when you’re already waiting
That's okay I think (for me at least, I can join later as well).. you can ask in the group how many people are waiting.. if the number is good.. you could probably join then
Lets start in 40 min!
Sorry folks 🤦‍♂️ This is really embarrassing

Relevant Tom Scott

Don't worry.. it's alright 🙌
It was recorded? if so, any link for it ?
i couldnt wake up in time for the meetup 😞
@SrSouza @xxfast As there is probably no recording, maybe this is for you, so that you could gain at least some insight about what Sebastian had skillfully presented in the Meetup: https://twitter.com/joreilly/status/1623757316775370762