I make a lot of assumptions here, and I don't thin...
# compose
I make a lot of assumptions here, and I don't think it will go anywhere, but I filed an issue to move development of Compose outside of Androidx with the assumption that it will enable supporting newer Kotlin versions faster. Even if it doesn't go anywhere, it could be helpful to plus1 to show that it is something the community wants (if that wasn't already obvious). https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/267642555
I don't think that's any sort of public consensus.
Yeah I didn't put too much effort into writing the issue because I don't think it will go anywhere 😅
the only part of Compose that is tied to specific Kotlin versions is the compiler plugin, and the gap there relative to how quickly KSP can move is mostly a function of its complexity, not where it lives.
To avoid bothering the maintainers, what is the proper way to +1 in Google’s issue tracker?
(star, don't comment)
I'm mostly going off of what @jw has said in the past
It's not a star anymore, there's a plus1 in the top right
there's also a star in the top left
(in typical google fashion)
Do the stars mean anything other than "favorite" this for me? I got the feeling plus1 replaced what the star used to be
a star will also +1. a +1 will not star. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It sounds like there’s a release train since there’s so many libraries. If it’s just compose, they can release when there’s a new feature, instead of having to sync with others.
compose-jb lives outside of androidx, do you think that moves faster?
the last compiler release was outside of the release train
the compiler releases aren't synced to the rest of the compose libraries, that's not an issue
compose-jb technically lives outside of androidx, but it contains a fork of the whole androidx, where they just update compose.
the versioning not being synced is separate from the ability to release outside of the weekly release train
by outside of AndroidX he means outside of AOSP
there's already AndroidX libraries outside of AOSP
Meat of compose-jb lives here
This is something we’ve been discussing quite a bit both internally and with JB
You can +1 the bug if you want, but it’s already on our minds 🙂
So you’re saying it’s a bug 🤔 🧌
No, that we are doing what’s best given the constraints we are working under but that we’d like to do better