What is a good starting place to learn more about ...
# compose-desktop
What is a good starting place to learn more about Skia Shaders with Compose Desktop? Or I am not looking correctly or it is pretty fragmented. I know @Kirill Grouchnikov has posted some stuff about it. Any good repos/docs out there?
https://github.com/kirill-grouchnikov/artemis has a bunch of samples, almost all of them standalone.
Those are some good examples. But I am more copy pasting than understanding. The source of JB compose is also not very well documented. What do you base your knowledge on? Or since you’re JB I suppose you have inside knowledge ;)
Are you asking about shaders, or are you asking about integrating shader-based effects in Compose? There’s some shader documentation from Skia over here, and from Android over here. Integrating shaders in traditional Android is documented here. For integrating shaders in Compose for desktop you can look at my article over here that has links to previous posts on the same topic.
Awesome, thanks. I'll look into those. I was interested in both actually, SkSL and integrating in Compose.