Hi folks, i have created a sealed class just for t...
# codereview
Hi folks, i have created a sealed class just for the sake of not returning a type of nullable failure, in other words if return type is null then it is the success scenario, wdyt? Here is the sealed class:
Copy code
// a union between unit and failure type, to avoid return type of nullable `Reject`
private sealed class ContinueOrReject
private object Continue : ContinueOrReject()
private class Reject(val rejectionDetails: RejectionDetails) : ContinueOrReject()
Any review or pov are welcomed and and thanks in advance for any answer !
I would have no objections to that. It depends a bit on the meaning of the function that returns this class. If the function is meant to retrieve or collect errors, then I don't have a problem with a nullable error type. If the function performs an operation and incidentally reports errors, then I like the sealed class approach
Im not sure i get what are differences between your two examples. I use it on two validator functions: they validate input data and report only errors or return
to mark that the validation finished successfully. my goal: avoid returning a
which means if is null then the validation finished successfully.
If the function is meant to retrieve or collect errors
an example of this would be to
collect some data from somewhere which is known that are type of errors? Something like this?
Yes, I meant something like
getError(): SomeError?
wouldn't feel wrong to me. But
saveFoo(foo: Foo): SomeError?
would seem strange, and I would prefer
saveFoo(foo: Foo): Result
In the case of validation it's a bit of a mix between the 2, so it's not as clear cut. I think I prefer the result sealed class in your case, though
Ok cool, thanks !