I'm experimenting with context receivers (with Kot...
# getting-started
I'm experimenting with context receivers (with Kotlin 1.8.0) and I have run into strange things. One problem is that this code runs normally and prints
to the console:
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fun testBug() {
    runBlocking {
        println(f(2) { this() })

suspend fun <T> f(value: Int, block: context(A) Int.() -> T): T = block(A(), value)

class A {
    operator fun Int.invoke() = this * 2
But making all functions suspend results in a runtime exception:
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fun testBug() {
    runBlocking {
        println(f(2) { this() })

suspend fun <T> f(value: Int, block: suspend context(A) Int.() -> T): T = block(A(), value)

class A {
    suspend operator fun Int.invoke() = this * 2
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java.lang.ClassCastException: class A cannot be cast to class java.lang.Number
Is this a bug? (Please ignore what the code actually does, it is just an excerpt to reproduce the issue.)