What is the scope of this framework? Creating UI's...
# compose-desktop
What is the scope of this framework? Creating UI's with prior jetpack compose knowledge has been a breeze, but say I want to read user location (i.e. a macos native api), how would I do that? Is it out of the scope? Or should I look for some jvm library which provides that?
Yes and yes.
We may provide, in the future, wrappers for commonly used native APIs that aren’t UI, but currently there are no such plans.
If I might ask, how does one even do that? Say I want the macos location, should I look for a C api, and expose that to java via JNI? What about swift? Is there a mechanism to bridge those to jvm world?
Yes, or use JNA or equivalent. But for that thing specifically there is
I think he meant physical, geographical, location. But who knows…
Ah you're right, that's a more likely interpretation.
yea gps location, i.e. some native api