Quick question, I have a problem with Scaffold not...
# compose
Quick question, I have a problem with Scaffold not updating innerPadding as a result of me showing/hiding a topBar, so is this is a bug I should report or am I missing something?
Copy code
    topBar = {
        val showAppBar = true/false
        if (showAppBar) TopAppBar() //topBar shows/hides as expected based on some state
) { innerPadding -> //but innerPadding never gets updated based on change in topBar visibility??
    //some content that consumes innerPadding
If this is actually supposed to work this way I might be forced to move TopBar onto specific screens?
Top bar height is not part of the
. The content of the
will always be placed below the top bar so there is no need to use its height as padding.
This is Material3, and from my testing top bar height IS part of inner padding.. And I have to set it on my view to be fully visible under top bar..