Hi, guys. I recently upgraded to kotlin 1.8.0 and ...
# multiplatform
Hi, guys. I recently upgraded to kotlin 1.8.0 and found that the new
doesn’t dependsOn
by default, is this a bug or desgin this?
This is by design. Only ‘unitTest’ depends on commonTest by default. Feel free to add this dependsOn edge again in your buildscript
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kotlin {
    val commonTest by sourceSets.getting
    val androidInstrumentedTest by sourceSets.getting
What's the reason behind this?
Where does this explain why androidInstrumentedTest doesn’t inherit commonTest?
What’s the reason behind this?
Because previously unitTests and instrumentedTests declared a dependsOn edge to commonTest. This certainly was not a good idea, since most projects either want to actualise a test from common as unit or instrumented test. The requirement to do it for both was bad. So given that you cannot have them both depend on commonTest: There needs to be a default to be chosen. Either instrumentedTests or unitTest or none will by default dependOn commonTest. We decided to go with unitTest by default.
In our commonTest we have little actual expect things but also a lot of common test utils like factories etc. I find this to be a confusing default.
Same for me but I think it is the same behavior than applying dependencies in normal Android libraries. If you apply a bom in unit tests you need to apply it in integration tests too.
I think the real problem here is the lack of testFixtures source set
With it everything is solved as unit tests and integration tests (and custom ones like functional tests) would depend on those fixtures. @Sebastian Sellmair [JB] will it be prioritized for 2023? https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTIJ-14843
Good point about testFixtures. I like the argument here. Its not prioritised directly: See; we are building APIs so that Google can fully maintain the Android multiplatform target on their end properly. Once this APIs are ready, I am pretty sure Google will bring support for Android Multiplatform testFixtures! Regarding your test utils: How about creating new source set
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kotlin {
    val commonTestUtils by sourceSets.creating
    val androidUnitTest by sourceSets.getting
    val androidInstrumentedTest by sourceSets.getting

  // ...