Is there an overview of websites and app that use ...
# ktor
Is there an overview of websites and app that use ktor server in production? I would like to use ktor instead of spring boot in our next project and could need some pro-arguments about “ktor being production ready” and not just technically interesting … Thank you in advance
Ktor has powered our APIs at Vitruvian for a couple of years now without issues. it's caused less headaches than more mature technologies in our stack. I'd recommend it without question for greenfields projects
I think uses ktor. I know there’s some bias to it as both come from the same company, but still it’s an good showcase
I've been using Ktor in production for the past 2 years, JVM backend with JVM/JS frontend. So far I have not had a single issue apart from some JS APIs missing (but they were added since then).
@CLOVIS Thank you. Can you name a company and/or website that is running ktor?
The project I was talking about is for the Arcachon town hall, a touristic town in France. It's exposed to the population of the city. It's probably not the kind of brand recognition you're searching for, though.
Who not? It is is publicly available website that has propably some requirements regarding stability etc. Thank you. I did not expect the backend of Wikipedia to run on ktor … 😄
Really? Indeed, I did not expect it either
Regarding the Arcachon production: it's been in production for almost 2 years now. So far, it has not had a single crash. It's deployed both as a Docker container using Docker-Compose and as a Helm chart for K8s. It's currently ongoing a full rewrite (React → Compose for Web), but we're really happy with how Ktor performs and how stable it is. The major issue we had with Ktor at the start of the project was the lack of documentation for Kotlin/JS, but they have improved a lot since then, especially with the new plugin API in Ktor 2.0
you could probably find a lot of companies that use Ktor by looking at the sponsors of Kotlin conferences
I did not expect the backend of Wikipedia to run on ktor …
do you have some reference for this? super-interesting
A few large companies have mentioned using Ktor during Talking Kotlin, but I wouldn't remember who they were specifically
Oh, there seems to be a missunderstanding: When I said: “I did not expect the backend of Wikipedia to run on ktor” I meant it as a joke. I wanted to express that I don’t expect to find any major world-wide webpage to run on ktor. I have no idea, what Wikipedia is built upon.
👍 1
As far as I know, Wikipedia is still PHP.
Using "major companies are using it" as a criteria is not great though, especially for stuff that is not UI. Companies don't tend to advertise which webserver they use, so you really have no way to know.