Hi folks. A question about best practice for veri...
# mockk
Hi folks. A question about best practice for verifying call arguments in mockk (we’re using strikt here, but the question is general). Imagine such setup:
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interface Dependency {
        fun bar(i: Int): Int

    class Service(val injected: Dependency) {
        fun foo(i: Int) = injected.bar(i * 2) / 3

    private val mock = mockk<Dependency> { every { bar(any()) } returns 42 }
    private val service = Service(mock)
Would you rather do `capture`:
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    fun testUsingCapture() {
        val arg = slot<Int>()
        val result = service.foo(100)
        verify { mock.bar(capture(arg)) }
        expect {
            that(arg).captured isEqualTo 200
            that(result) isEqualTo 14
or `withArg`:
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    fun testUsingWithArg() {
        val result = service.foo(100)
        verify {
                withArg {
                    expectThat(it) isEqualTo 200
        expectThat(result) isEqualTo 14
i guess it’s a matter of personal taste: i find the version with
easier to read because it clearly separates the call recording from the assertions