Hi, I am using the <WearVerifyRemoteApp sample> fo...
# compose-wear
Hi, I am using the WearVerifyRemoteApp sample for my Compose app. When I try the sample on its own, it works well and the apps are recognised by the watch and by the mobile. When I use the sample code in my project, the result is always "Missing on All Devices"/ "Missing". Is there something obvious that I could be overlooking by simply transferring the MainActivity code to my wear and mobile project? I looked at the Manifests and there doesn't seem to be anything amiss there.
Same app id, signatures?
Yes, and communication works well otherwise using data layer.
I am using an emulator watch and a physical mobile device. But they are paired and there is no problem with the sample project.
I must have messed up something trying to convert the sample to Compose Wear...
What are targetSDK in your apps’ phone and wearable modules?
33 on both
There are quite disruptive changes to intents landed in Android13, perhaps try lowering target sdk on both to see if that does any difference?
Thanks, I'll give it a shot!
No luck. I tried using the same target sdks as the samples but that did not help. Tomorrow, I'll check whether I have the same dependency versions.
Are you including res/values/wear.xml
I can't remember if that result comes from capabilities
No, I haven't. Hmm, will try.
That worked! Thank you so much!