Hello is there any documentation on compose. Not c...
# random
Hello is there any documentation on compose. Not compose UI though.
I doubt it. Your best bet would be to look at how https://github.com/JakeWharton/mosaic uses it and ask questions on this slack.
👍 1
Funny how no documentation is available. I guess Jetbrains just cloned the repo and get started lol.
I'm sure it was word of mouth kt with Google folks as well. Plus it was a bit easier for them since they ported ui part too, so lots more examples to look at.
It's a shame though. IMHO compose is a lot more interesting than compose ui.
I agree, the naming doesn't help too. UI overshadows compose itself
💯 3
I guess it's because most of the compose runtime is hard to understand and unlikely to be used, so they don't care much about its documentation other than kdoc.