Hi all, I am trying to develop a client plugin to ...
# ktor
Hi all, I am trying to develop a client plugin to log request bodies and response bodies. I am currently using the transformRequestBody and transformResponseBody functions to get access to the bodies. This is not exactly optimal, but when I try to extract the body from onRequest and onResponse functions, I end up with DoubleReceive exception. Is there a better way?
Copy code
createClientPlugin("SensibleClientLogging", ::SensibleClientLoggingConfig) {
    val config = pluginConfig

    if (config.requestConfig.logBody) {
        transformRequestBody { request, content, type ->
            request.attributes.put(traceIdKey, UUID.randomUUID().toString())
            if (type?.type == String::class) {
                val jsonBody = content as String
                logRequest(config, request, jsonBody)
            } else {
                logRequest(config, request)
    } else {
        onRequest { request, _ ->
            request.attributes.put(traceIdKey, UUID.randomUUID().toString())
            logRequest(config, request)

    if (config.responseConfig.logBodyOnError) {
        transformResponseBody { response, content, type ->
            if (type.type == String::class) {
                val body = content.readUTF8Line()
                logResponse(config, response, body.takeIf { !response.status.isSuccess() })
            } else {
    } else {
        onResponse { response ->
            logResponse(config, response)
👀 1
Why are you making your own plugin instead of using Logging?
because the standard logging plugin logs everything on separate lines, which makes it very hard to analyze
check out this one as well: https://github.com/zezutom/ktor-client-logging i am basically doing the same thing, just with some tweaks and for ktor 2.x
Do you have the problem with your current implementation or when a request and response are logged in the
When I try to process the content parameter passed to onRequest and onResponse. Then I run into the problem of DoubleReceive. The current implementation posted above works, but it only works if the requested type is a string. So when you call .body<String>(). Otherwise with any other type, it will just log the method and url, but does not try to extract the body, because I have no idea how to do that in a generic way
I've found a way 🙂 I'll publish it as a library on Github and will share the link then