Just curious but what happened with kotlin namespa...
# feed
Just curious but what happened with kotlin namespaces? Is it still in development or was it ultimately abandoned as feature? If it was is there an article where I can read about why? It seemed to be in discussion around 2 years ago around when Kotlin 1.4 was out (See linked video), but I can't really find much on it in the most recent forum posts and blogs.


So far the consensus from what I've read is that the closest thing to a top-level namespace is using an
. Although, I've also read that, that can add quite a bit of overhead with the singleton that it generates.
It’s on the roadmap for this year, I believe
Oh nice
oh no
Sorry for the back-and-forth, looks like they had a few changes lately. It’s listed as part of the language evolution generally, so looks like it’s planned, but without a firm timeline, hence removal from the roadmap. https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-54620/Language-Evolution
Quite the rollercoaster ride xD Nonetheless, thanks for the info.
I swear I checked a couple weeks ago, and it was on the Roadmap still.
Haha yeah. I guess it all depends on how they manage tasks and deliverables behind the scenes. Perhaps it was pushed to the public roadmap too early, or maybe it was intentional but then they hit a blocker and decided to backstep the timeline in order to manage expectations. We may never know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Likely some delay relating to K2. I think they’re trying not to add too much new stuff to K1. Right now, they have to do everything twice. At the end of this year, we should see things moving faster.
👍 1
Next time this should probably go on #language-evolution because it's more relevant than #feed
I'll keep that in mind. Frankly, I just didn't know which channel to put it in since there are so many.
Statics are on the roadmap. In fact, they’ll have to be one of the first things in 2.x, since many other highly-needed features depend on them.
👀 1