Hi all. I have a working multiplatform setup that ...
# multiplatform
Hi all. I have a working multiplatform setup that uses kotlin serialization. I'm trying to use
but after installing it, I get the following error:
Copy code
Serializer for class 'MyModel' is not found.
I am using the @Serializable annotation with my data class and everything worked prior to installing the library or when I remove it. Any ideas?
Do you have the serialization plugin setup?
Copy code
install(ContentNegotiation) {
        json(Json {
            prettyPrint = true
            isLenient = true
            ignoreUnknownKeys = true
What about in your build.gradle
The module you're using shouldn't be pulling in any dependencies other than
so it's strange that it would have any impact on serialization. What versions of Kotlin and kotlinx-serialization are you using?
Multiplatform Settings 1.0 is built against Kotlin 1.8 so if your on older versions of other stuff then maybe that's causing the issue
that's probably it then. Using 1.7.20. I'll give that a try, thanks!
1.0.0-RC was built against 1.7.20 if you aren't ready to bump other stuff
Ok cool. I'll try that first.
Yep, that was the issue. Using 1.0.0-RC worked. I'll work on bumping kotlin up. Thanks!