is there a way to pass plugin options to a plugin?...
# scripting
is there a way to pass plugin options to a plugin? I want to do the following on the compose plugin that im compiling my script with
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compose {
In the latest Kotlin versions, the scripting plugin accepts compiler plugin configuration via
CLI arguments (
). But I guess you're talking about compiling scripts with Gradle, so, I'm not sure this will work. But you can try it by specifying
The former is what im trying to do. I'm not sure what I would pass to be able to set the compose compiler version
@ilya.chernikov does the plugin have to explicitly setup support for arguments? I'm not sure if the compose plugin will allow me to pass the compiler version like that
I'm a bit confused. Could you, please, tell, how are you compiling the script? In general, to be able to use a plugin you need to instruct the compiler to load the appropriate jar and then to pass the configuration to it. If the CLI compiler is used for scripts compilation, then the standard CLI args could be used for both (e.g.
). So in this case the plugin will be applied to the script the same way as to a regular Kotlin source file. There is a test in the Kotlin repo that can serve as a minimal example - In case of gradle, the CLI compiler is used too, so the same CLI args should theoretically work, but gradle provides some configuration helpers, that may interfere with proper passing of the args. (Since compiling scripts with gradle and plugins is far from typical, so nobody usually tests this combination.) There is a third variant - using the embedded scripting host for compilation - and it should be handled a bit differently, but I guess this is not your case.
I have my own scripting host I made using the jvm-simple-script example and I pass the compiler arguments through the compilation configuration
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fun evalFile(scriptFile: File): ResultWithDiagnostics<EvaluationResult> {
    val scriptDefinition = createJvmScriptDefinitionFromTemplate<ComposableScript>(
        compilation = {

    return BasicJvmScriptingHost().eval(
        script = scriptFile.toScriptSource(),
        compilationConfiguration = scriptDefinition.compilationConfiguration,
        evaluationConfiguration = scriptDefinition.evaluationConfiguration
Yet I dont get any error, it just stops running when it hits the compose code in my script
Well, K2 scripting is unfinished, and it may not work at all, so please try it without
. In general, the plugins should work for embedded hosts too, see e.g. the test, but to be honest, I never tried it with compose, so there could be problems.
BTW, with k2 (LV 2..0 now) you need to use
cli option instead of
. But it will not help with scripting for now.