Hi <@U8NMFHUGJ> Just saw experimental samples of c...
# multiplatform
Hi @kpgalligan Just saw experimental samples of compose multiplatform here: https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-jb/tree/master/experimental%2Fexamples Looks like its now possible to write multiplatform compose across all platforms but is still in experimental. Just wondering if, 1. Maybe you used it? played with it or even used it in a project? 2. General opinion about it? Thanks in advance
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its now possible to write multiplatform compose across all platforms
The platforms are still quite limited. for Compose UI it's JVM, iOS, MacOS, and Android. Web is in progress. There is no support for the majority of native targets.
played with it or even used it in a project?
They built the Droidcon app on iOS with it last year https://touchlab.co/droidcon-nyc-ios-app-with-compose/
Thanks @jw. Do you think its worth looking into right now? Is this something that would stick? or is it too early to tell?
I suppose that depends on what platforms you're interested in
ok. I think i will try and experiment on it and see if it fits our usecase. thanks for the inputs.
It's got a lot of limitations right now on iOS (can't have public composable functions when compiling a dynamic framework, Text input is iffy, no dialog feature yet, no caching support, etc). These should improve before it's stable, but are limitations currently. You can join #compose-ios to see more discussion.
I'd highly recommend trying it out, keeping in mind the limitations I mentioned, but don't expect to use it in production anytime soon.
@Landry Norris Thanks for the inputs.
I'm using it right now an it's neat. But yea it has its limitations. But how out of the box it works its almost unbelievable 😛
Yeah, if you know and acknowledge the current limitations, it’s amazing to work with. I have a few side projects using it.
On vacation with limited wifi (and mostly trying to avoid slack anyway :) . We haven't done much work with compose on iOS since the droidcon app, but it's very much on our radar to monitor progress. Very interested if anybody is publishing anything with it.