I'm trying to get Apollo working on a JS target. T...
# apollo-kotlin
I'm trying to get Apollo working on a JS target. The same code on Android/JVM works fine, on JS it throws an exception "SubscriptionOperationException: Operation error <subscriptionName>". Is there anything JS-specific with subscriptions that I should know?
No, subscriptions should work the same on JS. Are you able to see the network traffic to see if anything doesn't look right? Or any other info in the logs?
The logs are pretty useless. I'll check network traffic and see if there's anything interesting.
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Operation error syncAccount SubscriptionOperationException: Operation error syncAccount
    at WebSocketNetworkTransport$execute$o$collect$slambda_1.doResume_5yljmg_k$ (webpack-internal:///./kotlin/apollo-kotlin-apollo-runtime.js:4950:23)
    at WebSocketNetworkTransport$execute$o$collect$slambda_1.invoke_kvy33q_k$ (webpack-internal:///./kotlin/apollo-kotlin-apollo-runtime.js:4915:16)
    at sam$kotlinx_coroutines_flow_FlowCollector$0_3.l [as function_1] (webpack-internal:///./kotlin/apollo-kotlin-apollo-runtime.js:5003:16)
    at sam$kotlinx_coroutines_flow_FlowCollector$0_3.emit_1fbrsb_k$ (webpack-internal:///./kotlin/apollo-kotlin-apollo-runtime.js:5357:17)
    at SafeCollector.emit_1fbrsb_k$ (webpack-internal:///./kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines-kotlinx-coroutines-core-js-ir.js:20332:29)
    at WebSocketNetworkTransport$execute$slambda_1.doResume_5yljmg_k$ (webpack-internal:///./kotlin/apollo-kotlin-apollo-runtime.js:5780:63)
    at WebSocketNetworkTransport$execute$slambda_1.invoke_jwaue4_k$ (webpack-internal:///./kotlin/apollo-kotlin-apollo-runtime.js:5740:16)
    at _no_name_provided__qut3iv.l [as $transform_1] (webpack-internal:///./kotlin/apollo-kotlin-apollo-runtime.js:5822:16)
    at $emitCOROUTINE$1.doResume_5yljmg_k$ (webpack-internal:///./kotlin/apollo-kotlin-apollo-runtime.js:2394:51)
    at _no_name_provided__qut3iv.emit_1fbrsb_k$ (webpack-internal:///./kotlin/apollo-kotlin-apollo-runtime.js:2439:16)
Got to love the coroutines stacktraces 😬 ....
If I read the exception right, this is a SubscriptionOperationException which means your backend has returned an error so it should be seen in the Browser devtools
(I think devtools show websocket data) If you're doing node I have no idea
Might be a case of a missing header in the initial handshake or something like this?
Looking at the network over the wire was useless. looking in devtools, I only see a ws connection to ws://localhost:8080/ws I have no idea where that could come from. If that's what apollo is using, then I have a clear answer as what's gone wrong. Is there an easy way to get some debug messages from apollo?
hmm no there are no other logging levels than that
yeah, that was something else. looking at the WS request in devtools doesn't tell me much.
ah! But you can see the messages sent/received?
I can see that that the server responded:
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HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2023 12:15:45 GMT
Connection: upgrade
Upgrade: websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: CJgK75ri8M62LH3xkkdXjZpCWgk=
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: graphql-ws
Are you using Chrome? I'm almost sure I was able to see the different messages on the websocket after that initial handshake
Alright, maybe I dreamt it
Can you catch the exception? If the server responded something it should be in
Ah ha! Progress. It looks like it's not authenticating the same with JS.
The header isn't being added to the WS request.
My client initialization looks like this:
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                .addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer ${token.value}")
Works fine on Android. I guess I can only blame myself here.
mmmm If you're calling
on JS, it should work similarly
Or is the client created in a different place on JS?
Mmmm that feels wrong
Looks like there's some background stories to these lines 👀
We should throw early at least
I'm trying to figure out how hasura expects me to authenticate in this case. If I remember well, they have a bit of a weird implementation.
Thanks so much for your help! Chased down the issue. Apparently Hasura accepts the authorization in either place, so this works on all platforms:
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                connectionPayload = {
                    mapOf("headers" to mapOf("Authorization" to "Bearer ${token.value}"))
Thanks for the follow up. Definitely something to be aware of!