I use MUI wrapper and I can't understand how to ap...
# javascript
I use MUI wrapper and I can't understand how to apply this method of passing sx props: https://mui.com/system/getting-started/the-sx-prop/#passing-the-sx-prop I created my own component and it's props:
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val MyComponent = FC<MyCompontentProps> {
    Box {
        // content of the component

external interface MyComponentProps : Props {
    var sxProps: SxProps<Theme>?
But I don't know what I should do to use it in the following way:
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MyComponent {
    sx {
        width = 50.pct
        // etc
Or am I doing something wrong?
is what you need if you want to use
Thank you! But how to merge these props with sx props of a component? Now I have
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external interface MyComponentProps : PropsWithSx
And my component with some it's own sx props:
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val MyComponent = FC<MyComponentProps> { props ->
    Box {
        sx {
            // call it "inner props"
And I use the component like this:
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MyComponent {
    sx {
        width = 50.pct // call it "outer props"
But it doesn't work: I do nothing to apply outer props. I try
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val MyComponent = FC<MyComponentProps> { props ->
    Box {
        sx = <http://props.sx|props.sx>
        sx {
            // some inner props
But it doesn't work too.
Oh, I just realized how to do this.
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val MyComponent = FC<MyComponentProps> { props ->
    Box {
        sx {
            // inner props
@Joe, correct! You can find other examples of how to work with MUI Kotlin in
sample https://github.com/karakum-team/kotlin-mui-showcase