My last few weeks have been a nightmare of memory ...
# compose-ios
My last few weeks have been a nightmare of memory issues and leaks with UIKit on my main project at work. During some downtime, I figured I’d convert to Compose, and all the memory issues went away. Can’t wait to see how #compose-ios works when it’s eventually stable.
If there were a ComposeUIView or something I could put in my UIKit hierarchy, it would be quite helpful.
For now, Application() { ... } creates UIViewController. You can use it as a separated screen inside application written with UIKit. But, it's harder to use both UIKit and Compose inside one screen. We postpone this case, but we are thinking about it. Also, we want to do the same with SwiftUI. And, of course, we are thinking about using UIKit elements inside Compose as well.
Is compose ios under development? I mean when it will get stable
@Rizwan Yes, we have a lot of work to do it stable.
❤️ 🤗