I’m not sure this is the best channel for this but...
# compose
I’m not sure this is the best channel for this but I didn’t find a better one. Has anyone managed to have RenovateBot update Kotlin and Compose Compiler together (KSP too as it depends on Kotlin version) ? Seems like it should be possible and sounds like this will be the usual use case for everyone… There are some discussions here but none of the configs mentioned really work. Does anyone have a config they could share that can be used on most/all projects?
Unfortunately - renovate bot does not detect compose compiler updates for me 😞
but the last item in packageRules is probably what are you looking for
Thanks for the link! Doesn't the first group "all-dependencies" mean that you get all updates together so it defeats the purpose of other ones? I have no Dashboard (not using GitHub sadly) so I'm not sure how these groups work for the bot itself with dashboard..
Unfortunately - renovate bot does not detect compose compiler updates for me
Hey you can check here I got it working: https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/issues/18354
Nice one! But that would still update it independently, not in 1 PR together with Kotlin version, right? (unless we find that magic renovate config that will bundle them..)
if you combine the solution from Jakub and mine it should work
Jakub has issue on updating kotlinCompiler, the workaround I send solves his issue
Right okay, I'll give it a go tomorrow and see what I get with Jakub's config and your workaround
Just did it, it is working! Here is the PR from renovate that updates kotlin, composeCompiler and ksp together: https://github.com/Oztechan/CCC/pull/1977
In the part
"groupName": "kotlin"
what does
refer to? Is it that the name inside libs.versions has to be named “kotlin” or something else? Also about the
part, where you prepend a
before “org.jetbrains.kotlin” and so on, are there docs referring to what that does and what other options exist?
"groupName": "kotlin"
groups all the matching dependencies in
into 1 PR so that you will not have seperate PR for each, which probably will fail when they are individually incremented. I think for more information you should check documentation of renovate: https://docs.renovatebot.com/configuration-options/#packagerules
Aha so “kotlin” there is just a string to name the PR with, doesn’t hold any other significance. That’s what the docs seem to mention here. Thanks a lot for the pointer 😊
ohh yes the
is the name of the group, so it will be an identifier in the PR title 🙂
I guess the kotlin group name wasn't the best choice, but you get the idea 🙂
@Mustafa Ozhan Thank's for the workaround, works like a charm !