Hello everyone. I think about using ktor for the n...
# ktor
Hello everyone. I think about using ktor for the next backend instead of spring. Can anyone recommend a DB access Library? On my shortlist, I have • exposed • KTORM • Hibernate Personally, I don’t want to use Hibernate, since it relies on mutable fields for an entity. exposed is not (yet) supported by someone and not even 1.0 I cannot find the people behind KTORM – is there is an organization behind it. What would you suggest? And why?
KMongo is great, but it doesn't seem like you're open to MongoDB. Exposed is good too. Note that whatever selection you decide, it is completely different from Ktor so you can decide what you want
Another (more mobile) framework: sqldelight https://cashapp.github.io/sqldelight/2.0.0-alpha05/
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@CLOVIS, thanx for your input
KMongo is great, but it doesn’t seem like you’re open to MongoDB
I am personally open to it, but we have to connect to an MySQL.
Exposed is good too.
Yes, I think so, too. But can you rely a customer project on it? Do you have any experience?
it is completely different from Ktor
yes, I know.
You should probably ask in #exposed if you want testimonies
THX. I didn’t know this channel. I’ll do
We setup a really small CRUD API using SQLDelight and it was pretty nifty to work with so I can say that it is 100% doable (at least in a POC kind of way)
I would recommend (K)GraphQL + sqldelight/kmongo etc., than you can use an Apollo Client in frontend. That's also pretty multiplattform friendly.
I've been very happy with Komapper https://www.komapper.org
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Wow, komapper looks awesome!