Hi all! I'm reading a huge file/object from a remo...
# functional
Hi all! I'm reading a huge file/object from a remote source in bunches... send fragments of the file thru a Flow and wanna process complete lines one by one. I got below implementation... but I was wondering if there is a way to get rid of the var and get a more functional solution. Thanks in advance.
Copy code
fun main() = runBlocking {
    var lastline = ""
    readHugeFile().collect { value ->
        val lines = (lastline+value).lines()
        lines.dropLast(1).forEach {
        lastline = lines.last()

fun readHugeFile(): Flow<String> = flowOf(
    """line 1
        |line 2
    """ne 3
        |line 4
    """e 5
        |line 6
instead of
is probably what you're looking for
Thanks @Alex Prince lesson learned!