Hello! How can I fix error `'getRefreshKey' overri...
# multiplatform
Hello! How can I fix error
'getRefreshKey' overrides nothing
Class 'TransactionsPagingSource' is not abstract and does not implement abstract base class member
when I use library AppCash Paging?
@veyndan Could you help please?
What is the full signature of your getRefreshKey?
This is usually due to a (subtle) signature mismatch between the overridden function the the function overriding it. Could you paste the signature of getRefreshKey of PagingSource here?
If you try to build the project via the command line, do you get the same error?
If you try to build the project via the command line, do you get the same error?
No, the project compiles successfully. It works well at runtime. I only have error highlighting in AndroidStudio when I am working with AppCash Paging library.
It's probably to do with https://github.com/cashapp/multiplatform-paging/issues/5 which is the result of an internal IntelliJ bug. I don't really know of any workarounds except from keeping the command line as the source of truth and upvoting the YouTrack issue linked in the PR, so hopefully in the future we'll no longer see these false negatives
@veyndan Thank you!