Hi, are you aware of any proper performance compar...
# compose-web
Hi, are you aware of any proper performance comparison between Compose for Web and other mainstream things like React, Angular and so on?
👀 4
also interesting in some cases: bundle size
Kotlin is pretty bad at bundle size compared to the JS ecosystem, in particular Ktor. I wouldn't create a facade website in Kotlin, for SPAs I don't think it's a big deal.
I have two early stage websites that are still fairly small / being built up. One is ~500KB (mostly a landing page at this point) and the other is ~700KB (a small personal blog site with a few articles on it). I haven't really started digging into what is causing most of that cost. Am I doing something dumb? It would be amazing if I could bring it down significantly in the future somehow.
Not sure how to break it down either. The app I'm currently working on (V1: Ktor/KotlinX.Serilization/KotlinX.Coroutines/Kotlin React; V2: same with Compose Web instead of React) fits at ~1.5Mb. I do think that's a bit much, but it's not in the deal breaker range for me.
I've heard multiple people complain that this is specifically a Ktor issue though.
Yes, that's what I was referring to.