Is there any way to make the `@sample` documentati...
# intellij
Is there any way to make the
documentation links in the stdlib not be broken in IntelliJ? They show as clickable, but clicking them just shows an error.
plus one 4
How do you even get to that file? When I ctrl+click on "emptyList()" in my source file, it takes me to this line in CollectionsKt.class:
Copy code
public fun <T> emptyList(): kotlin.collections.List<T> { /* compiled code */ }
The only way I get to see documentation while using IntelliJ is by looking at in Chrome.
In this case all I did was write
and then click on it, but I definitely have seen that not work in the past. C.f.;cid=C0B8H786P
🙏 1
I too can see the sources only some of the time. If I click on "listOf" in
val x: List<Int> = listOf()
then it takes me to the class file, and it won't show me the source file whatever I do. However, if I add a parameter and click on "listOf" in
val x: List<Int> = listOf(1)
then it succeeds in taking me to the source file!
🤯 1