:white_check_mark: FIXED - used the wrong Body.aut...
# http4k
FIXED - used the wrong Body.auto import.. quite a pain point tbh :/ +++++ Hey! I’m writing a lambda function with Kotlin, using Kotshi for the json handling. It feels like a super blatant question, but how do I register a JsonAdapter for a platform type?
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data class Reminder(
  val createdAt: LocalDateTime, // < this is kotlinx.datetime.LocalDateTime
  val task: String,
  val dueAt: LocalDateTime, // < this is kotlinx.datetime.LocalDateTime
I’m not sure how to indicate to Kotshi that it should also generate a Factory for this type. I also tried creating my own adapter, but without luck:
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object LocalDateTimeAdapter : JsonAdapter<LocalDateTime>() {
  override fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader): LocalDateTime =

  override fun toJson(writer: JsonWriter, value: LocalDateTime?) {


object MoshiWithKotshi : ConfigurableMoshi(
    .add(LocalDateTimeAdapter) //<<<
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Platform class kotlinx.datetime.LocalDateTime requires explicit JsonAdapter to be registered
for class kotlinx.datetime.LocalDateTime createdAt
for class com.p10r.Reminder
Thanks in advance!
I could partially resolve it. Another error was that I was declaring a Lens on a list:
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val reminderLens = Body.auto<List<Reminder>>().toLens()
Moving this to a wrapper object
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val reminderLens = Body.auto<Reminders>().toLens()
helped here.
With Moshi, you need to use
rather than
. But your wrapper should work too. The issue is documented, but not always obvious.
If selecting the right
import is annoying, you can do
Qq - what was the reason behind using the kotlinx date times? The library looks pretty bereft of contributions for the last 8 months or so. I'm wondering if it's going to go the same way as kotlinx.io (ie abandoned - which is interesting in itself considering the only alternative is okio afaik - and it would seem weird to fall back on another vendor lib for MP)
With Moshi, you need to use Array rather than List. But your wrapper should work too. The issue is documented, but not always obvious.
Thanks, I also found a Github issue that mentioned this. I’m fine with having that in mind, but it might be hard to grasp when onboarding other coworkers. 🙂
Qq - what was the reason behind using the kotlinx date times?
Fair question! We’re running a hackathon at work and built a Kotlin Multiplatform project which shares the Request model. We just reached for kotlinx.datetime for its multiplatform support. Besides that I agree though - it feels like one can’t really count on Jetbrains when it comes to libraries. Ktor and kotlinx.serialization feel really active, but datetime, io and the others feel kind of abandoned.