is there a roadmap for KMM native? Are there plans...
# ios
is there a roadmap for KMM native? Are there plans to support Pure Swift imports via the cocoapods plugin?
The YouTrack board shows the latest roadmap items. The K/N section indicates that pure-Swift imports are not currently on the roadmap.
The Swift ABI isn’t fully stabilized yet (I think Swift 6 or 7 is supposed to bring Module+ABI stability), so I’d imagine it’ll be a while before we see pure-swift interop in any language.
shame, i guess one option is to write an objective-c wrapper that uses the swift code underneath and then use that via cocoapod import.
You can write Swift code, but you have to mark the class and methods with the objc annotation
Here's an example of a gradle plugin that allows you to write Swift code and call it from your Kotlin.
interesting, will check it out cheers