I added ktlint to this example project(<https://gi...
# ktlint
I added ktlint to this example project(https://github.com/DavidCorrado/ktlintExample/commit/3ce45aaeb316d055994b517c22d315ea7b28a617). I might be understanding things wrong but my understanding was if I use in editorconfig
ktlint_code_style = android
I dont need
ktlint {
If I remove android.set above and run app:ktlintCheck I get trailing-comma-on-call-site,trailing-comma-on-declaration-site violations Which I think are nonandroid rules Not sure what is going on here
can you open an issue on github for this please in the ktlint-gradle project? i think we are adding the android key to the user data no matter what, and maybe if you don't explicitly set it, we should also not, and let ktlint do its thing (like read from editorconfig or whatever
i can look into it
it would also help me if you had an example code snippet that failed regular ktlint, but passes with android ktlint
Sorry for the long delay. Doing it now!